Termites primarily feed on wood, but also damage paper, books, insulation, and even swimming pool liners and filtration systems. Termites can injure living trees and shrubs, but more often are a secondary invader of woody plants already in decline. ...
These pests are small, black or reddish brown…. and very irritating when they invade your home or garden. It wouldn’t be so bad if they came singly, but they are very social, and live together in large numbers. A colony can have a smaller or larger ...
We offer a range of different services for controlling rats, depending on your situation. Whether you need rats removed or eradicated, or are looking for preventative measures such as getting a one way rat valve flap fitted in your drain, we are ...
In most people’s minds bed bugs are associated with poverty or poor hygiene, but in fact they can come seemingly from nowhere, and become a problem in any household. Μany people require the assistance of professional bed bug treatment in order to get ...
Paper wasp, bald headed wasp or the yellow jacket wasp…all bothersome and sometimes scary creatures. Summer brings along its fair share of worries, and wasps are one of them. We get a lot of call for wasp pest control during the warmer months. A ...
Feral pigeons are actually descendants of rock doves, which explains their love for building their nests on buildings. You may like the way they coo, but you cannot let them build nests and live in your environment. That is where our expert pigeon ...
Why should you seek professional services for pest control for cockroach infestation? Cockroaches are annoying dirty pests. They transmit various kinds of diseases. They vomit on stored food, thus contaminating the food and spreading illnesses and ...
The flea is a small insect that has a reddish brown colour and measures about 2mm long with a lateral flattened body, which makes it easier for the flea to move within the host’s hair. The most noticeable features of fleas found cats and dogs, are ...
While they do not have a nasty sting or cause any damage to property, flies are a health hazard when it comes to kitchens and food preparation areas. Our professional pest control for flies is available to deal with these unwanted kitchen visitors, ...
Did you know that some moths are shiny in appearance while others are brown or grey? Maybe not, but one thing you know for sure is that you do not want them in your wardrobes or carpets. Our professionals can help you with moth extermination before ...
A few facts about mice House mice can be brown or grey, have large ears and small eyes. An adult mouse weighs about half an ounce and measures 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches including the tail, which measures 3 to 4 inch in itself. Although mice ...